Vol. 7 No. 20 (2022)
Growth and Growth Time Evaluation of Isolates in Aerobic and Anaerobic Adult Blood Culture Bottles
Abstract views: 209 / PDF downloads: 130 -
The Knowledge of Risk Factors for Cardıovascular Dıseases and Self-Care Actıvıtıes in Indıvıduals wıth Type 2 Dıabetes
Abstract views: 441 / PDF downloads: 220 -
The Effect of Parents' Trust in Social Media News on Vaccine Rejection in The Covıd-19 Process
Abstract views: 382 / PDF downloads: 143 -
Analysıs of A Covıd-19 Outbreak in A Long-Term Care Facılıty in Çanakkale Provınce
Abstract views: 190 / PDF downloads: 101 -
The Psychometrıc Characterıstıcs Of The Turkısh Versıon of The Workplace Breastfeedıng Support Scale
Abstract views: 343 / PDF downloads: 177 -
Determınıng The Factors Affectıng Insomnıa of Nurses Workıng in Intensıve Care Unıts and The Severıty of Insomnıa
Abstract views: 336 / PDF downloads: 46 -
Psychologıcal Bırth Trauma: A Bıblıometrıc Analysıs of Hıghly Cıted Artıcles
Abstract views: 363 / PDF downloads: 186 -
Assessment of The Effect of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises Applied During Pregnancy in Postpartum Stress Incontinence and Quality of Life
Abstract views: 499 / PDF downloads: 207 -
Beliefs and Practices of Final Year Nursing Students Concerning Hand Hygiene
Abstract views: 426 / PDF downloads: 347 -
The Relatıonshıp Between Anorexıa of Agıng and Personalıty Characterıstıcs in Older Indıvıduals wıth Chronıc Dısease
Abstract views: 230 / PDF downloads: 109 -
Investigation of The Effect of Nursing Students' Coronavirus Fear on Their Coronavirus Anxiety, Learning and Study Approaches
Abstract views: 421 / PDF downloads: 118 -
Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Surgical Site Infections in Nursing (2000-2022)
Abstract views: 675 / PDF downloads: 506 -
Evaluation of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Education in Turkey from the Perspective of Specialist and Perception of Mobbing
Abstract views: 174 / PDF downloads: 130 -
Determining University Students' Attitudes Towards Sexual Health: The Case of Nursing Students
Abstract views: 601 / PDF downloads: 578 -
The Dietary Self-Efficacy Changes in Children of Obese Patients Enrolled In a Parent-Only Weight-Loss Program
Abstract views: 186 / PDF downloads: 105 -
Investigation of The Impact of Macro-Micronutrient Intakes of Health Workers on Anxiety-Inquietude During The Covid-19 Pandemic Process
Abstract views: 397 / PDF downloads: 185 -
Examination of The Level of Compassion in Nurses and Nursing Students
Abstract views: 434 / PDF downloads: 372 -
Fear, Burnout, and Health Profile in Healthcare Professionals Contacting Patients with COVID-19: A Comparative Study
Abstract views: 190 / PDF downloads: 114