Investigation of The Impact of Macro-Micronutrient Intakes of Health Workers on Anxiety-Inquietude During The Covid-19 Pandemic Process

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  • Müge Arslan Üsküdar University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Letafet Atmaca Istanbul Aydın University, Graduate Education Institute, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics



Nutrients, Anxiety, Vitamins, Minerals, HealthProfessions


Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the effects of healthcare professionals’ macro-micro nutrition intake on their anxiety-worry states during the Covid-19 pandemic process.

Method: In the study, a questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic characteristics, nutritional habits, the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and 3-day food consumption record (2 days on weekdays and 1 day on weekends) was applied to 230 healthcare professionals working at “Birinci Göz Hospital”, “Birinci International Hospital”, “Birinci Yeni İklim Hospital” and “Private Simge Medical Centre”, located on the European Side of Istanbul, Datas were analysed with SPSS v26.

Results:In BAI scores of protein (%) value (U=387.5; p<0.01), KH (%) value (U=4072.5; p<0.05), Omega-6 (g) value (U=1116, 5; p<0.05), “ Dietary Fibre (g)” (U=1313; p<0.05), Protein (g) (U=754; p<0.05), KH (g) (U= 2105; p<0.05) of healthcare professionals with sufficient DRI intakes of macronutrients; female healthcare professionals median scores were found to be higher than male healthcare professionals statistically. According to DRI sufficiency status of the nutrient values of vitamins from micronutrients; in BAI scores of “Vitamin A (μg)” (U=2665.5; p<0.05), “Vitamin E (μg)” (U=220.5; p<0.05), “Vitamin K (μg)” ( U=534.5; p<0.05), “Thiamine (mg)”  (U=291.5; p<0.05),  “Vitamin B6 Pyridine (mg)” (U=1126.5; p< 0.01), “Vitamin B12 (mg) (U=3239.5; p<0.05), “Vitamin C (mg)” (U=608.5; p<0.05), “Sodium (mg)” (U=3938.5; p<0.05), “Phosphorus (mg)” (U=2291.5; p<0.05), “Chlorine (mg)” (U=3534.5; p <0.05), “Iron (mg)” (U=1704; p<0.01) and “Copper (mg)” (U=3336,5; p<0.05) of healthcare professionals with high DRI intakes; female healthcare professionals median scores were found to be higher than male healthcare professionals statistically. In BAI scores of “Vitamin D (μg)” (U=2961; p<0.01), “Potassium (mg)” (U: 3972.5; p<0.05),  “Zinc (mg)” (U=4514; p<0.01), “Fluorine (µg)” (U=4514; p<0.01), “Selenium (µg)” (U=2365,5; p<0.01) of healthcare professionals with insufficient DRI intake; female healthcare professionals median scores were found to be higher than male healthcare professionals statistically.  In BAI scores of “Niacin (mg)” (U=921; p<0.05), “Calcium (mg)” (U=447.5; p<0.05), “Magnesium (mg)” (U=184.5; p<0.05) of healthcare professionals with sufficient DRI intake; female healthcare professionals median scores were found to be higher than male healthcare professionals statistically.

Conclusion:Healthcare professionals’ macro-micro nutrition intake affects their anxiety-worry states.


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How to Cite

Arslan, M., & Atmaca, L. (2022). Investigation of The Impact of Macro-Micronutrient Intakes of Health Workers on Anxiety-Inquietude During The Covid-19 Pandemic Process. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 7(20), 147–157.


