Evaluation of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Education in Turkey from the Perspective of Specialist and Perception of Mobbing

Child and adolescent psychiatry, Residency training, Assistant, mobbing, Core education curriculumAbstract
Objective: In order to standardize and improve the quality of specialization education, first of all, it is required to reveal the current situation with scientific data. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the specialization training of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, and the perception of mobbing.
Method: The conditions during the assistantship were evaluated by sending a questionnaire created through a Google survey, to 229 specialist physicians who completed their residency training in 2018-2021. The number and qualifications of the trainers in the institutions, training hours in the institutions and training contents were questioned. The adequacy of education given in 12 education areas included in the core education curriculum, as well as the stress factors that may affect education and the perception of mobbing were investigated.
Results: 88 (38,42%) physicians participated in the study. It is stated that the average number of trainers in institutions was 3,63 (min:1, max:14), and the weekly training hours in their institutions were 3,95±2,65. 66 (72,7%) of the participants stated that the number of trainers in the assistantship process was insufficient, and 74 (84,1%) of the participants stated that they found the trainers qualitatively insufficient. More than half of the participants stated that they did not have any psychotherapy training at their institution. In our study, while 30 (34%) participants stated that they were exposed to mobbing behaviours during the assistantship process, it was seen that the most common type of mobbing was the prevention of self-disclosure and communication formation with 22,7%.
Conclusion: The failure to provide standardization in the quantity and quality of trainers, training in institutions and the inability to implement the standard education curriculum cause inadequacy in education. Independent and objective committees or institutions should be established to monitor whether the institutions meet the standards set for training.
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