Mentoring Process in Midwifery: Peer Midwife Resource

Midwife, Mentoring, Mentee, Peer, Clinical OrientationAbstract
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the mentoring process in midwives and to determine the effects of peer mentoring on the acclimatization process, job comprehension and job readiness.
Method: The sample of the descriptive study conducted in 2022 consisted of 64 newly recruited mentees, 33 mentor midwives who mentored them, and 72 senior midwives working in clinics where mentee midwives worked to determine the effect of peer mentoring on clinic adaptation and patient care. The research data were collected by personal information form, opinions about mentoring form and peer mentoring evaluation scale in midwifery.
Results: Mentees; 76.6% of the mentees found the mentoring process necessary and its duration sufficient, 67.2% defined peer mentoring as a helpful peer, and the same percentage stated that they felt more competent while caring for the patient after the mentoring process. The mean total score obtained from the peer mentoring evaluation scale was 55.05±17.21, and the highest mean scores obtained from the subheadings of the scale belonged to the subheadings of contribution to the mentee 22.32±7.14, mentor characteristics 17.01±5.11, and peer relations 16.17±4.27, respectively.
Conclusion: Peer mentoring was considered to be an important human resource that is overlooked for the guidance process and it was concluded that the use of this resource will make great contributions to professional development.
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