Psychological Resillience in Pregnancy, Childbirth and Parenting Processes

Childbirth, Parenting, Pregnancy, Psychological ResillienceAbstract
There are many physiological and psychosocial changes in pregnancy, childbirth and parenting processes. These changes can lead to changes in the psychological stress responses of women in the face of challenging situations. Psychological resillience, which is among the dimensions of positive psychology and a concept that can be developed, is a dynamic process that represents the capacity of individuals to adapt in the face of negative and challenging situations and the mechanisms of effective coping with difficulties. Psychological resillience is seen as a protective factor that reduces the negative effects of stress during pregnancy, childbirth and parenting processes. It is known that fear of childbirth, postpartum depression, post-traumatic stress disorder associated with childbirth are less common in women with a high level of psychological resillience, while the level of self-efficacy increases in childbirth. With this review, it is aimed to draw attention to the importance of psychological resillience during pregnancy and childbirth and to raise awareness on this issue.
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