Determination of the Frequency, Types and Effectiveness of Descriptive and Alternative Applications Used in Premenstrual Syndrome during the COVID Normalization Period

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  • Asibe ÖZKAN Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi, Hamidiye Hemşirelik Fakültesi ve Başakşehir Çam ve Sakura Sağlık Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, İstanbul
  • Ayfer HİÇERİMEZ Fatih Sultan Mehmet EAH



COVID-19, Complementary Alternative Methods, Premenstrual Syndrome


This study was conducted in order to determine how the frequency of premesntural symptoms of midwives and nurses involved in the care of covid patients was affected during the normalization period of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the study, alternative methods used in coping with common premenstrual symptoms were planned prospectively as descriptive, analytical, relationship seeker in order to determine their effectiveness. It was held in three training and research hospitals in Istanbul in September 2022. During the COVID-19 normalization period, 800 nurses working in the COVID-19 inpatient service formed the working universe. According to the calculation of the known sample of the universe, which was made with a 95% confidence interval and a 5% margin of error, it was calculated that our study sample should be at least 259 participant.  Our study was conducted with 426 participants. The study data were evaluated with descriptive statistical methods and chi-square.

It was found that the most common complaints experienced by almost all midwives-nurses participating in the study were breast tenderness (66.9%), low back pain (50.5%), irritability (48.1%) and fatigue (47.2%), respectively, and the least common complaints were cramps (15.7%), anger (15.7%) and sleep changes (18.8%). it was determined that 37.1% of premenstrual period complaints were experienced 2-6 days before menstrual bleeding, and only 12.2% of women with complaints applied to a health facility for these complaints. it was found that the vast majority of nurses (69.1%) preferred the hot application method to cope with premenstrual symptoms, and secondarily (31.5%) preferred mind and body applications. Compared to the period before the COVID-19 pandemic, 39.4% of nurses stated that they experienced premenstrual symptoms more frequently during the COVID-19 pandemic normalization process, and 29.3% stated that there was no change in the frequency of premenstrual symptoms. More often expressing 168 people experiencing premenstrual symptoms, indicate an increase in the number and severity of symptoms; in all; depressed mood, irritability, changes in appetite, and reported more intense feelings. In our study, it was seen that complementary therapeutic practices are widely used in premenstrual symptoms. However, the number of studies on this subject is limited in the literature and it is recommended to do more studies.


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How to Cite

ÖZKAN, A., & HİÇERİMEZ, A. (2023). Determination of the Frequency, Types and Effectiveness of Descriptive and Alternative Applications Used in Premenstrual Syndrome during the COVID Normalization Period. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(2), 292–301.


