Assessment of postoperative pain intensity after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Comparative analysis of three rating scales in terms of scores and patient preferences

Özet Görüntüleme: 284 / PDF İndirme: 144


  • Metin Leblebici Department of General Surgery, Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine
  • Berna Dincer Deparment of Internal Medicine Nursing, Health Science Faculty İstanbul Medeniyet University Istanbul
  • Cemile Savcı Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul Medeniyet University
  • Filiz Soyhan Registry Nurse, İstanbul Bağcılar Research and Training Hospital, Department of Surgery
  • Orhan Alimoğlu Department of General Surgery, Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Postoperative pain intensity, VAS, NRS, VDS, patient preference, laparoscopic cholecystectomy


Objective: To compare three rating scales in assessment of postoperative pain intensity after laparoscopic cholecystectomy Methods: A total 102 patients who underwent elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery were participated on a voluntary basis in this cross-sectional questionnaire survey. The questionnaire form elicited items on sociodemographic characteristics of patients, pain characteristics and the pain intensity assessment via three scales including Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS). Results: Mean(SD) VAS, VDS and NRS scores were 4.7(1.3), 2.8(0.7) and 4.5(1.2), respectively. VDS (67.6%) was the most commonly preferred scale by patients, as followed by VAS (23.5%) and NRS (8.8%). Positive significant correlations were noted between each scale (r: ranged from 0.809 between VAS and VDS to 0.865 between VDS and NRS, p<0.001 for each). There was a high level of inter-scale concordance overall (Cronbach's alpha: 0.910), including VAS x VDS (Cronbach's alpha: 0.820), VAS x NRS (Cronbach’s alpha=0.906) and VDS x NRS (Cronbach’s alpha=0.868). Conclusion: In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that all three scales (VAS, NRS, VDS) provide reliable and valid data with strong correlations and a high level of inter-scale concordance in assessing postoperative pain intensity in laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients. However, VDS appears to be the best scale in assessing pain intensity after laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery with respect to patient preference rates as well as its strong correlation with other scales, particularly the NRS.




Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Leblebici, M., Dincer, B., Savcı, C., Soyhan, F., & Alimoğlu, O. (2022). Assessment of postoperative pain intensity after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Comparative analysis of three rating scales in terms of scores and patient preferences. GEVHER NESİBE TIP VE SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ DERGİSİ, 7(16), 75–81.




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