Accessible Technologies That Support and Aim to Improve Physical Activity in the Elderly

Physical Activity, Technology-Based Applications, Geriatric PopulationAbstract
This review aims to reveal the potential of technology-based applications to support physical activity in elderly individuals. Today, thanks to developing technologies, it facilitates individuals' access to health services, helps them become more aware, and greatly reduces hospital costs. Today, it is important to develop various technological applications in order to increase the participation rates of elderly individuals in physical activity. Mobile and web-based applications developed on physical activity and exercise are integrated with wearable health technologies and help individuals adopt healthy lifestyles and age healthily. mHealth applications play an important role in the management of diseases and reduce the workload of healthcare professionals. State-supported projects such as the Central Hospital Appointment System (MHRS) and E-Pulse can be cited as examples. Pedometers used to monitor the physical activities of elderly individuals are one of the most effective tools in this field. However, these tools have some limitations. New technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality offer fun and effective methods that encourage physical activities for elderly individuals. Tele-rehabilitation is a method that supports the rehabilitation processes of elderly individuals remotely. Promising results have been obtained especially for elderly individuals experiencing social isolation during the COVID-19 period. Wearable technologies increase individuals’ self-care and reduce hospitalization rates by allowing continuous monitoring of health status. In addition, applications that increase the social interactions of elderly individuals contribute to the prevention of problems such as loneliness and depression. These practices have the potential to improve the social support networks of elderly individuals. As a result, various technological applications that support physical activity in elderly individuals have the potential to increase the health and quality of life of individuals. In this context, it is of great importance to develop new applications for the elderly population and to increase the utilisation rate, user interaction and the effect of existing applications on targeted clinical outcomes. In this way, older individuals can be encouraged to adopt healthy lifestyles and increase their physical activity levels.
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