Current Diagnosis and Treatments of Female Sexual Dysfunction

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  • İpek Turhan Uzman Hemşire Kayseri Şehir Hastanesi, Kayseri
  • Kübra AKCAN Öğretim Görevlisi, Şırnak Üniversitesi, Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü



Sexuality, sexual problem, sexual dysfunction


Sexual health is an important part of health. The definition of sexual health is one of the basic rights of all people, men, women, young and old, which includes being in complete physical and emotional well-being, as in the definition of health. Sexual dysfunctions are problems that occur due to psychophysiological changes in the sexual response cycle and sexual desire. Although sexual dysfunctions vary according to societies, they are frequently seen problems that reduce the quality of life of the individual and force the individual. Although the incidence of sexual dysfunctions is increasing day by day, it is an important health problem that is little known and less intervened by health professionals. Sexuality has been recognized as an important and integral part of nursing by organizations covered by the American Nursing Association (ANA). The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association added the diagnosis of sexual dysfunction to the list of nursing diagnoses in 1980. Sexuality is an issue that is considered taboo in our country as well as in most societies and is ignored by health professionals. Sexual dysfunction in women is affected by many factors, and sexual dysfunction in women causes lack of self-confidence, emotional stress and deterioration in personal relationships. Sexual problems are affected by biological and psychological factors. Therefore, they must be considered together. In this review, the current diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions in women are discussed.



How to Cite

Turhan, İpek, & AKCAN, K. (2022). Current Diagnosis and Treatments of Female Sexual Dysfunction. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 7(17), 57–63.


