Evaluation of Body-Body-Based Reconnect Integrative Trauma Therapy Model (RITTM®): Pilot Study

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Integrative Trauma Model, Relational Trauma, RITTM®, Reconnect Therapy, Therapy


Objective: This study aimed to examine the meaning, experience and effects of Karol Darsa's Reconnect® Integrative Trauma Therapy Model (RITTM®) on individuals exposed to relational trauma through a pilot study.

Methods: The case study population consisted of 56 trainees who had recently started Integrative Psychotherapy Training. The data were obtained using the Adverse Childhood Events Turkish Form (ACE-TR) and Semi-structured Interview Form. The sample consisted of 3 participitant (2 female and 1 male) who gor high score from the ACE-TR and volunteer. These participants had the highest score on the ESRQ and were volunteers. The model was evaluated by applying a five-session RITTM® pilot application to the participants. The analytical pluralism approach was adopted in qualitative data analysis by using thematic and phenomenological analysis together.

Results: One of the participants was 34 years old, and the other two were 24 years old. The participants had a history of neglect (n=2), abuse (n=1), harassment (n=1) and domestic violence (n=2). As a result of the 5-week RITTM® implementation, two themes, five sub-themes and 32 codes related to these sub-themes were determined. (1) The theme of Overview of the RITTM® Model: Awareness, arousing curiosity and coping mechanisms. (2) Experiences Related to RITTM® Practices theme: Methods with positive and mixed results.

Conclusion: The RITTM® was differentiated from classical methods as a body-oriented therapy and provided safe access to trauma by direct contact with the body. It had positive effects on individuals experiencing relational trauma; participants gained awareness, learnt to calm their nervous systems and developed new coping strategies. Thus, they were able to control the problems that occupied their lives.


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How to Cite

TANER, Y. K., & ÖNER, Özge. (2024). Evaluation of Body-Body-Based Reconnect Integrative Trauma Therapy Model (RITTM®): Pilot Study . GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(4), 499–509. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14237520


