The Impact of Education Provided to Women in Reproductive Age on their Sexual Health/Reproductive Health Behavior: A Semi-Experimental Study

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  • Cevriye OCAKTAN TETİKÇOK Selçuk Üniversitesi
  • Seyhan ÇANKAYA



Education, Reproductive Health, Sexual Attitude, Sexual Behavior, Sexual Health, Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Objective: This study aims to investigate the influence of education provided to reproductive-age women on their sexual health/reproductive health (SH/RH) behavior.

Method: The study was designed as a single-group, semi-experimental type. It was conducted at the Ali Ulvi Kurucu Youth Center affiliated with the Karatay Municipality in Konya on December 28-29. Ninety-six women registered at the youth center received SH/RH education over two days. The women were assessed before and after the education. Data were evaluated using the Introductory Information Form, Sexual Health Knowledge Test, Attitude Scale towards Sexuality, Attitude Scale towards Sexual Behaviors, Attitude Scale towards Sexual Health and Personal Hygiene, and Attitude Scale towards Preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Results: The average age of the participating women was 20.3±1.8. It was observed that after education, women’s knowledge of sexual health, attitude scale scores toward sexuality, and attitude scale scores towards sexual behaviors increased compared to before the education (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference in women’s attitudes towards sexual health and personal hygiene, attitudes towards sexually transmitted diseases, and attitudes towards methods of preventing sexually transmitted diseases before and after education (p > 0.05).

Conclusion: SH/RH education positively influences sexual health knowledge, attitude towards sexuality, and attitude toward sexual behaviors of women of reproductive age.

Author Biographies

Cevriye OCAKTAN TETİKÇOK , Selçuk Üniversitesi










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How to Cite

OCAKTAN TETİKÇOK , C., ÇANKAYA , S., & ALAN DİKMEN , H. (2024). The Impact of Education Provided to Women in Reproductive Age on their Sexual Health/Reproductive Health Behavior: A Semi-Experimental Study. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(3), 425–435.


