The Relationship between Birth Memory and Maternal Function in Postpartum Women

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  • Seyhan ÇANKAYA Selçuk Üniversitesi
  • Bihter AKIN



Birth memory, Maternal function, Recall, Postpartum period, Midwifery care


Aim: To determine the relationship between birth memory and maternal function in postpartum women.

Method: This study, which was designed as cross-sectional and correlational, was conducted with a total of 274 mothers who applied to the pediatric outpatient clinic of a university hospital within the first year of postpartum. Data were collected with a Personal Information Form, the Birth Memory and Recall Scale (BirthMARQ), and the Barkin Maternal Function Scale (BMFS).

Results: It was determined that the mean BMFS score of the mothers participating in our study was 75.9 (SD 13.7) and the mean BirthMARQ total score was 85.6 (SD 16.7). A positive correlation was found between mothers' BMFS and BirthMARQ total score and its sub-dimensions, emotional memory, centrality of memory, re-experiencing, sensory memory, and recall (p < 0.05). In addition, 12% (F = 9.039, p < 0.001) of the BirthMARQ total score and emotional memory (a BirthMARQ sub-dimension) were found to be associated risk factors affecting the maternal function of mothers.

Conclusion: There is a positive relationship betweenthe birth memory of mothers and maternal functions. Positive birth memory positively affects the maternal function of women in the postpartum period.


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How to Cite

ÇANKAYA , S., & AKIN , B. (2023). The Relationship between Birth Memory and Maternal Function in Postpartum Women. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(2), 380–388.


