Evaluation of Nursing Students' Perceived Self-Efficacy in Physical Examination

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  • Neşe KISKAÇ İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi
  • Mahruk RASHIDI




Nursing student, Physical examination, Self efficacy


Objective: This study set out to assess nursing students' reported levels of self-efficacy when doing physical examinations.

Methods: This research is descriptive in nature. Data were collected from 69 nursing students taking internal medicine courses by face-to-face questionnaire. The Undergraduate Nursing Students' Perceived Self-Efficacy in Physical Examination Scale and the Students' Personal Data Identification Form were utilized as data collection instruments. The statistical software SPSS 26.0 was used to examine the data.

Results: In this study, the total score of nursing students' perceived self-efficacy in physical examination was 1.83±0.50 (very unsure). Gender and other sub-dimensions did not significantly correlate with the mean total score of the Perceived Self-Efficacy in Physical Examination Scale (p>0.05), although there was a significant correlation between the students' gender and self-confidence in the physical examination of their face and neck (p<0.05). The status of getting education was found to be significantly correlated with students' self-confidence in performing physical examinations of patients' eyes, cardiovascular systems, and other skills (p<0.05). Self-confidence in performing physical examination of the patient was higher in nursing students who received education.

Conclusion: Nursing students' low perceived self-efficacy in physical assessment may require a review of both educational programs and clinical practice. These low self-efficacy perceptions may prevent students from developing their clinical skills and effectively assessing patients. As a result, efforts should be made to identify nursing education's shortcomings and put more effective solutions into practice.

Author Biographies

Neşe KISKAÇ, İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi







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How to Cite

KISKAÇ, N. K., & RASHIDI , M. (2024). Evaluation of Nursing Students’ Perceived Self-Efficacy in Physical Examination. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(1), 111–116. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10721301


