Determining The Relationship Between Midwıfery Department Students' Choice of Profession Voluntarily and Their Knowledge on Midwifery History
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Midwifery, History of Midwifery, Profession, Choice of Profession, StudentAbstract
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between midwifery department students' willingness to choose the midwifery profession and their knowledge of midwifery history.
Methods: The descriptive/cross-sectional study was conducted with all students studying in the midwifery department of a state university in the spring term of the 2022-2023 academic year. In the study, no sample selection was made, it was aimed to reach all the students forming the universe, and the study was completed with a total of 304 students (n=304). The data of the research were collected face to face with the "Introductory Information Form".
Results: Among the reasons for choosing the midwifery department, 69.4% of the midwifery department students who participated in the study voluntarily chose the department; It was determined that job opportunities were high (63.4%) and they did not want to take the university exam again (43.1%), 93.8% of the students took compulsory course(s) and 23.7% of them took elective course(s) related to midwifery history. It was found that there was a statistically significant difference between the knowledge levels of the students who voluntarily chose the midwifery profession and those who did not choose it, about the history of midwifery in the World, Ottoman Empire and Turkey (p<0.05).
Conclusion: It has been concluded that students who voluntarily choose the midwifery profession have a high level of knowing information about the history of midwifery in the World, Ottoman and Turkey, and that choosing the profession voluntarily is an important factor in researching and learning the history of the profession.
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