The Effect of Home Exercise Program on Motor Developmental Delay and Parental Satisfaction

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Developmental Delay, Home Exercise Program, Motor Development, Parental Satisfaction


Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of Home Exercise Program (HEP) on motor developmental retardation and to what extent parents will be satisfied with this model in children aged 0-2 who have motor developmental delay and are not currently included in a rehabilitation program.

Materials and Methods: We prepared case-specific home programs for the cases who applied to our outpatient clinic, We asked their parents to apply the HEP was given for their child in 3 sessions a day for 8 weeks. Motor development status was evaluated with the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS). Satisfaction of the parents with the service they received was evaluated with the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire for the Physical Therapy Polyclinics.

Results: There were improvements in all sub-parameters of AIMS after HEP. These improvements were also statistically significant (p=0.001). While the satisfaction rate of parents with their relationships with physiotherapists is 88.4%, the rate of satisfaction with their relationships with physicians is 82.8%. The factors with the lowest satisfaction rates are physical comfort (61.6%) and technical quality (61.8%), and 88.0% of the parents stated that they would prefer the hospital again, while 86.7% stated that they would recommend it to their relatives.

Conclusion: HEP can be a savior in cases such as not leaving the baby without treatment until the physiotherapy program starts, initiating early intervention, families residing far from any health institution, and the pandemic process we have experienced soon, and parents are also satisfied with the HEP model.


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How to Cite

TEKİN, F., YARAR , F., & GÜNGÖR , O. (2023). The Effect of Home Exercise Program on Motor Developmental Delay and Parental Satisfaction. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(1), 213–219.


