Investigation of Nutrition Behavior of School-Age Children with Dental Problem and Their Mothers’ Nutritional Literacy

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  • Saadet YAŞAR



Dental Problem, Nutritional Behavior, Nutrition Literacy, School-Age Children


Aim: This research was conducted to investigate the nutritional behaviors of school-age children with dental problems and their mothers' nutritional literacy.

Patients and Method:This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in a State University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pedodontics, between April-September 2021. The population of the study consists of 9004 school-age children and their mothers who applied to a State University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pedodontics with dental problems between April and September 2021. The sample of the study consists of 250 children and mothers. In the study, "Socio-demographic Form", "Nutrition Behavior Scale" and "Adult Nutrition Literacy Scale” were used as data collection forms. Necessary ethics committee permissions were obtained to conduct the study. The data were evaluated in the SPSS 23.0 statistical package program.

Results: According to the study:findings; It was determined that the total mean score of the children's nutrition behavior scale was 3.78±5.06. The mean total score of the adult nutrition literacy scale was found to be 25.75±5.72. According to the children's nutrition behavior scale, it was determined that the positive eating behaviors of the children were lower than the nutrition behaviors of the adults. A weak positive correlation was found between children's nutritional behaviors and their mothers' nutritional literacy levels.

Conclusion: It is important to acquire healthy eating habits and healthy living habits such as regular tooth brushing in childhood, to develop nutritional literacy in adults, and to protect and maintain oral and dental health and general health. In this direction, it is thought and recommended that the necessary counseling and training to increase the health literacy levels of adults will have important effects both for the oral and dental health of children and for gaining the right nutritional behaviors.


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How to Cite

YAŞAR, S., & ÖZTÜRK ÇOPUR, E. (2022). Investigation of Nutrition Behavior of School-Age Children with Dental Problem and Their Mothers’ Nutritional Literacy. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 7(21), 148–159.


