Retrospective Examination of Hospital Admission Complaints in Patients for Who Underwent Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy, Complaints, Hospital AdmissionAbstract
Aim: This study was designed as a descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study to examine the complaints of patients who were scheduled to undergo colonoscopy at the time of admission to the hospital.
Method: The research sample was collected at the teaching and research hospital between November and December 2023. He created the files of 80 outpatient patients who applied to the colonoscopy unit in a training and research hospital in İstanbul. Data in the study were obtained from patient records who underwent colonoscopy between November and December 2023. Ethics committee permission was obtained before the research and the study was conducted in accordance with the Principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Results: The patient records were examined, and researchers found that 51.2% of the patient group was male and most of them were primary school graduates (60%). The mean age of the sample was 54.18 (SD: 13.25). According to patient records, three quarters of individuals who apply to the gastroenterology unit for colonoscopy use medication to facilitate bowel movements. The frequency of defecation was mostly recorded as 1-5 times a day. Patients’ complaints of admission to the gastroenterology unit before colonoscopy were as follows; a change in bowel habits (52.5%), abdominal pain (43.8%), abdominal bloating (42.5%), and rectal bleeding (36.3%). It is written in the patient records that the decision to undergo colonoscopy was made for 40% of the group due to suspicion of malignancy. Colonoscopy was performed for diagnostic purposes in 76.2% and for screening purposes in 23.8%. Twenty-two percent of patients had polyps in previous colonoscopy procedures.
Conclusion: Health professionals have important roles and responsibilities in maintaining regular screenings with colonoscopy in risk groups and informing the public.
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