The Relationship between Mobbing Behavior Perceived By Nurses Working in the Hospital and Organizational Culture

Nurse, mobbing, Hospital, culturAbstract
This research was conducted as a descriptive and relational study to determine the relationship between mobbing behavior perceived by nurses working in the hospital and organizational culture. The population of the research consists of all nurses (N: 523) working in a state hospital and a university hospital in a province. It was aimed to reach the entire population and no sample selection was made. The sample consisted of 377 volunteer nurses (n: 377) who agreed to participate in the research. In collecting data, an 18-question sociodemographic characteristics form, a 45-question Mobbing Perception Scale, and a 20-question Organizational Culture Inventory, prepared by examining the literature, were used. Ethics committee permission, institutional permissions and written consent from the participants were obtained. Data were collected by the researcher through face-to-face interviews. The data were statistically analyzed using the NCSS 2007 program. The total score average of the participants from the Mobbing Perception Scale was low (1.69±0.57), but they stated that they experienced mobbing from their colleagues and managers. Their mean score from the Organizational Culture Inventory was found to be poor (2.92 ±0.72). As a result of the correlation between mobbing perception and organizational culture, it was found that as mobbing perception increases, organizational culture weakens. It is recommended to provide training to nurses about mobbing in hospitals, to increase communication by creating social events, to support participation in tasks, to increase sharing by holding regular meetings, and to strengthen leaders.
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