Complementary Alternative Therapy Methods and Health Literacy in Women Over 65: A Cross-Sectional Study, Türkiye

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  • Fatma Rabia ÇİFTÇİ



Health, health literacy, literacy, women, complementary alternative therapy


Objective: In the complementary health approach, evaluating which product should be used in which treatment and the side effects of these products require a comprehensive health literacy. This study was conducted to determine the use of complementary and alternative treatment methods and the level of health literacy of women over the age of 65.

Method: The population of this descriptive study consists of female patients over the age of 65 who applied for any reason to the family medicine and internal medicine outpatient clinics of a state hospital located in the west of Marmara in Turkey between 17.05.2019 and 10.07.2019. The research was carried out with 343 women over the age of 65.

Results: It was determined that 68.2% of the women applied to CAM applications, and 56.7% were not informed about the CAM they used. The participants' Health Literacy (SSS) mean score was calculated as 91.75±19.36. It was determined that the health literacy scale mean scores of the women who were informed about the CAM method they used and who questioned the CAM method they used were higher.

Conclusion: It was determined that women over the age of 65 with low health literacy were more likely to use complementary and alternative treatment methods.

Author Biographies

Fatma Rabia ÇİFTÇİ







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How to Cite

ÇİFTÇİ , F. R., & HÖBEK AKARSU , R. (2025). Complementary Alternative Therapy Methods and Health Literacy in Women Over 65: A Cross-Sectional Study, Türkiye . GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 10(1), 52–60.


