Nutritional Status of Elderly Living in Nursing Homes and the Factors Affecting Their Nutritional Status

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  • Ayşe Nur ŞAHİN



Elderly, Mental Health, Nutrition, Physical Activity


Objective: The research was carried out to determine the nutritional status of the elderly living in nursing homes and to determine the effects of daily living activity levels, cognitive status and sociodemographic characteristics on their nutritional status.

Materials and Methods: The research was planned as analytical cross-sectional type. Research data were collected from 67 elderly people living in a Nursing Home Elderly Care Center and meeting the research criteria. Personal Information Form, Mini Nutritional Assessment Test Scale (MNA), Mini-Mental Test Scale (MMT) and Daily Basic Activities of Living Scale (KATZ) were used as data collection tools. Anthropometric measurements were made by the researcher. The data were evaluated in the IBM SPSS package program; number, percentage, chi-square and correlation analyzes were performed. The research was conducted within the framework of ethical rules and ethics committee permission was obtained.

Results: According to the results of the research, 73% (49) of the participants were male; 85.6% (56) of them were single. According to BMI, 39.4% of the elderly were overweight. When the nutritional status of the participants, whose mean age was 74.74±7.18, was evaluated according to MNA, 38.8% had a risk of malnutrition but 59.7% had a normal nutritional status. It was determined that 62.7% of the elderly had cognitive impairment. 80.6% of the participants were independent in their daily living activities. Individuals mini nutritional assessment test (MNA); A significant and positive correlation was found between the mini mental test and the Katz scale. There was no significant difference between the age, gender, marital status, education level, income level and nutritional status of the elderly.

Conclusion: As a result of this study, the majority of the elderly living in nursing homes perform their daily living activities but nearly half of them have malnutrition risk. It has been observed that most of the elderly have cognitive impairment. In order to prevent malnutrition, it was concluded that regular nutritional screening and factors affecting nutritional status should be evaluated in a wider population.


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How to Cite

ŞAHİN, A. N., KILIÇALP KILINÇ , D., & GÖKÇE ESKİN , S. (2023). Nutritional Status of Elderly Living in Nursing Homes and the Factors Affecting Their Nutritional Status. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(1), 163–171.


