The Relationship between Attitudes towards E-Learning and Success Motivations of Students in the Field of Health Sciences

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  • Filiz ERSÖĞÜTÇÜ Firat University
  • Maral KARGIN



E-learning, Motivation for Success, Pandemic


Aim: In this study, it was aimed to determine the relationship between the attitudes towards e-learning and success motivation of students studying in the field of health sciences.

Methods: This study in a descriptive cross-sectional research design was completed with 575 students studying at the Faculty of Health Sciences between November 2020 and December 2020. By using the online survey method in collecting data; Personal Information Form, Achievement Motivation Scale Based on Expectation-Value Theory (BDTÖ) and Attitude Scale Towards E-Learning (EÖYT) were applied.

Results: It was determined that the average age of the participants was 20.92 ± 2.88, mostly women and students of the nursing department. It was found that the total score of BDTÖ was (28.87 ± 6.47), and the total score of EÖYT was (56.07 ± 9.29). It was observed that there was a two-way positive significant relationship between the total score of the BDTÖ and the total score of EÖYT, the susceptibility sub-dimension of EÖYT, and age (p <0.05).

Conclusion: The study showed that students' attitudes towards e-learning and their motivation for success are at average levels. It was observed that as the motivation level of students increased, their positive attitudes towards e-learning also increased. As a result, it has been observed that the motivation levels of the students studying in the field of health sciences are an important factor in continuing e-learning and being successful. For this reason, it may be suggested that students be supported with reward and incentive systems in order to ensure that students are successful in the e-learning process and to ensure the continuity of this success in case they are successful.

Author Biographies








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How to Cite

ERSÖĞÜTÇÜ, F., ÇALIŞKAN , E., & KARGIN , M. (2024). The Relationship between Attitudes towards E-Learning and Success Motivations of Students in the Field of Health Sciences. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(2), 284–292.


