Sexual Myths between Genders

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  • Zeynep Dilşah KARAÇAM YILMAZ Marmara Üniversitesi
  • Ezgi ŞEN Bahçelievler Medipol Hastanesi
  • Gizem ERGIN
  • Ece HASGUL
  • Eda TOKMAN



Attitude, Midwifery, Sexuality, Sexual Myth


Purpose: This study was conducted to reveal the sexual myths and false beliefs that women and men believe in today.

Material and Method: This descriptive and comparative study was conducted between December 2022 and February 2023. The population of the study consisted of men and women within the borders of Turkey. The sample of the study consists of 483 people who were selected using simple random sampling method, which is one of the probability sampling methods. Data were collected using the Personal Information Form and the "Sexual Myths Scale" on Google Forms.

Results: The mean age of the participants was 23.8±7.2 years and 62.3% (n=301) were female. When the participants' previous sexual relationship status was analyzed, 44.7% (n=216) of them had a sexual relationship before. The mean total score of the sexual myths scale was 56±19.6. The total score of the sexual myths scale was higher in males than females (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Men included in the study were found to have a higher level of belief in sexual myths than women. In male-dominated societies, men may be expected to believe sexual myths more than women because men are seen as authoritative and sufficient in matters related to sexuality, which may prevent them from accessing accurate information.

Author Biographies

Zeynep Dilşah KARAÇAM YILMAZ , Marmara Üniversitesi



Ezgi ŞEN, Bahçelievler Medipol Hastanesi







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How to Cite

KARAÇAM YILMAZ , Z. D., ŞEN, E., ERGIN, G., HASGUL, E., & TOKMAN, E. (2024). Sexual Myths between Genders. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(1), 175–181.




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