Self-Efficacy and Spiritual Care Needs of Individuals Receiving Hemodialysis

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  • Yasemin ÖZYER GÜVENER Sinop University



Hemodialysis, Self-Sufficiency, Spiritual Care, Spirituality


Objective: This study was conducted to determine the Self-Efficacy and Spiritual Care needs of Individuals Receiving Hemodialysis.

Methods: This descriptive study was conducted with 102 dialysis patients who volunteered to participate in the study. The study data were collected using the Descriptive Information Form, the General Self-Efficacy Scale and the Spiritual Care Needs Inventory. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation analysis were used.

Results: The mean scores obtained from the overall General Self-Efficacy Scale and its “Initiation”, “Perseverance” and “Insistence” sub-dimensions were 55.98±10.03, 32.60±8.22, 15.62±3.28 and 7.74±2.60 respectively. The mean scores obtained from the overall Spiritual Care Needs Inventory and its “caring and respect” and “meaning and hope” subscales were 79.58±17.34, 32.77±6.97 and 46.81± 11.66 respectively. There was a significant relationship between the mean scores the participants obtained from the overall General Self-Efficacy Scale and its Initiation”, “Perseverance” and “Insistence” sub-dimensions, and the mean scores they obtained from the overall Spiritual Care Needs Inventory and its “caring and respect” and “meaning and hope” subscales.

Conclusion: The participants Self-Efficacy level was at an average level, which suggested that they needed spiritual care. In conclusion, we think that creating environments that will facilitate the spiritual practices of patients in hemodialysis units will improve their self-efficacy and spirituality.

Author Biographies

Yasemin ÖZYER GÜVENER , Sinop University







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How to Cite

ÖZYER GÜVENER , Y., & GÜMÜŞTEKİN , K. (2024). Self-Efficacy and Spiritual Care Needs of Individuals Receiving Hemodialysis. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(3), 403–410.


