Examination of The Stigmating Attitudes, Behaviors and Affecting Factors of Women and Men Toward Abortion: The Example of A Muslim Country

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  • Ummahan YÜCEL Ege Üniversitesi
  • İlayda Nur İŞÇİ
  • Başak ELVAN




Abortion, Stigma, Scale


The aim of this study is to determine the stigmatizing attitudes and behaviors of men and women towards abortion in Turkey, a Muslim country. Another aim of the study is to examine the factors affecting stigmatizing attitudes and behaviors. A total of 982 people, 701 women and 281 men over the age of 18, were included in the cross-sectional analytical study. In the study, convenience sampling, one of the non-random sampling types, was preferred to reduce costs and save time. Research data was collected through Google Forms and social media in 17 of Turkey's 81 provinces. Having participants from different provinces is a strong aspect of the research. Individual Information Form, Questionnaire for Determining Thoughts About Abortion, Stigmatizing Attitudes, Beliefs and Behavior Scale towards Abortion were used in data collection. In the study, it was found that participants with low education levels and living in rural areas, men, married people and those with more than two children had higher levels of stigmatizing attitudes towards abortion. It is thought that our research will contribute to the evaluation of the perspective on stigma regarding abortion


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How to Cite

YÜCEL, U., İŞÇİ, İlayda N., & ELVAN, B. (2024). Examination of The Stigmating Attitudes, Behaviors and Affecting Factors of Women and Men Toward Abortion: The Example of A Muslim Country. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(2), 247–260. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11374408


