Birth Experiences of Women Giving Normal Birth and Their Partners during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period: A Qualitative Study

Birth, COVID-19, WomenAbstract
Objective: The purpose of this research is to determine the birth experiences of women and their spouses who gave birth normally during the COVID-19 pandemic period.
Methods: In this qualitative study with a phenomenological pattern, 10 women and 9 spouses who gave birth normally during the COVID-19 pandemic period were interviewed. The criterion sampling method and snowball sampling method, which are the purposeful sampling type, were used to determine the research group. The criterion for participation in the research group was based on the condition that he or his partner had a normal birth during the pandemic period. The data of the research were collected through Skype application and face-to-face individual in-depth interviews. The interviews were video-recorded or audio recorded. The research data were analyzed by the researchers in the MaxQda 2022 qualitative data analysis program. In this study, the consolidated criteria guide (COREQ) checklist was used to report the qualitative research.
Results: As a result of the analysis of qualitative data; Four main themes and twelve sub-themes were obtained: experience with healthcare professionals, measures taken for the COVID-19 pandemic period, birth and postpartum feelings, and perceived support during the birth process.
Conclusion: As a result of the research, it was seen that the quality of maternity services decreased partially during the pandemic period. The most important factor reducing the quality of maternity services; There have been measures taken to prevent transmission, such as the use of personal protective equipment, protection of social distancing, and visitor restriction. The results of this research can be a guide in determining the needs in current or potential public health crises.
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