Evaluation of Nutritional Changes in The Pre-Menstruation Period According To Premenstrual Syndrome Status
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Nutrition, Increased Appetite, Premenstrual SyndromeAbstract
Objective: In this study, it was aimed to determine the relationship between premenstrual syndrome (PMS) status, eating habits, food preferences, eating attitudes, changes in appetite and body weight in the premenstrual period.
Methods: The study was conducted with 1135 women aged 19-55 years. The form and premenstrual syndrome scale data consisting of questions about the participants' socio-demographic information, anthropometric measurements, nutritional habits before and during menstruation were collected online via google forms.
Results: The mean age of the study participants was 25.26 ± 6.53 years. PMS was detected in 39.2% of the participants (n=445). PMS scale total score average is 122.52±37.88. It was found that the presence of PMS increased with the increase in the number of meals and the amount of food consumed (p<.05). In the presence of PMS, it was determined that the state of appetite increased, legumes, milk and its products, fruit/vegetable, bread/cereal, candy/confectionery, chocolate, intense spicy foods, fast food desire and the tendency to foods that are not in normal consumption increased (p<.05). The amount of chocolate consumption and craving for a meal also increased in the presence of PMS (p<.05).
Conclusion: It was observed that the majority of women were affected by PMS. It was observed that the eating habits, food preferences, food cravings and appetites of the participants with PMS changed in the premenstrual period. Since PMS is a common health problem among young women, the relationship between the presence of PMS and dietary changes should be investigated in future studies.
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