The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Psychological Resilience in Executive Nurses

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Nurse, Psychological Resilience, Organizational Support


Aim: The effect of the support of the organization they work on on psychological resilience is an important issue for nurses. The aim of this research is to examine the effect of perceived organizational support on psychological resilience in manager nurses working in public and private hospitals affiliated with the Ministry of Health.

Method: The population of this research, which was conducted with a quantitative research method and cross-sectional research design, consisted of 'manager nurses' working in public and private hospitals in the province of Mardin Purposeful sampling was not chosen as the sampling method, and a total of 120 nurse managers who voluntarily agreed to participate in the research were asked online, which included demographic information created by the researcher (gender, age, marital status, educational status, working hours, weekly working hours and the institution they worked for). It was reached through a survey. In addition, as a data collection tool in the research; “Psychological Resilience Scale for Adults” developed by Friborg et al. (2003) and adapted to Turkish by Basım and Çetin (2011) and “Perceived Organizational Support Scale” developed by Eisenberger et al. (1986) and adapted to Turkish by Türe and Yıldırım (2018). It was collected with . In the first stage of data analysis, the normality distribution of the data was examined, and frequency and percentage (%) analysis was performed for demographic information. Upon determining that the data did not show a normal distribution, the Mann Whitney u test was used for non-parametric tests for two groups, and the Kruskal Wallis test was used to detect the difference between more than two groups.

Results: In the findings of the study, participants scored a minimum of 9, a maximum of 45, and an average of 29.05 (±7.84) on the perceived organizational support scale; On the psychological resilience scale, they received a minimum score of 81, a maximum score of 159, and an average score of 122.8 (±19.80).

Conclusion: In the research; It was concluded that the education levels of the participants and the institutions they work in affected their psychological resilience, and their weekly working hours affected their perceived organizational support.

Author Biographies

Suna AKPINAR AY , mardin il sağlık müdürlüğü



Nazlı SEKİZKARDEŞ , mardin il sağlık müdürlüğü



Yeşim YEŞİL , mardin artuklu üniversitesi




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How to Cite

AKPINAR AY , S., SEKİZKARDEŞ , N., & YEŞİL , Y. (2024). The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Psychological Resilience in Executive Nurses. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(2), 238–246.


