The Effect of Video Based Self-Assessment on the Skills and Motivations of Student Nurses in Teaching Surgical Handwashing Skill

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  • Aliye OKGÜN ALCAN İzmir Bakırçay Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Bölümü
  • Elif GÜNAY İSMAİLOĞLU İzmir Bakırçay Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Bölümü



Skill Education, Surgical Hand Washing, Motivation, Video Based Self-Assessment


This study was conducted to examine the effect of video based self-assessment on student nurses' skills and motivation in gaining surgical handwashing skills. The sample of this randomized controlled quasi-experimental research consisted of 50 students (25 control, 25 experimental). The traditional method was used for the students in the control group, while the students in the experimental group were taught surgical handwashing by video recording. In the evaluation phase, students' pre-test post-test skills, motivation and satisfaction levels were evaluated. The mean surgical hand washing pre-test skill score of students in the control group was 26.12±4.69, and the post-test skill mean score was 28.92±2.16. The mean surgical hand washing pre-test skill score of students in the experimental group was 25.84±2.75, and the post-test skill mean score was 29.36±1.89. In the analysis, the difference between pre-test post-test skill scores in both control and experimental groups is statistically significant. The difference between the pre-test skill and post-test skill scores of the control and experimental groups is not significant. The total motivation score averages of the students in the experimental and control groups were 97.72±9.48 and 96.4±11.96, respectively; satisfaction mean scores were 9.92±1.25 and 9.68±1.49, respectively. It is seen that the training given with both traditional and video based self-assessment method is effective in gaining surgical hand washing skill. Students' pre-test skill, post-test skill, motivation and satisfaction scores are similar in both groups.



How to Cite

OKGÜN ALCAN, A., & GÜNAY İSMAİLOĞLU, E. (2022). The Effect of Video Based Self-Assessment on the Skills and Motivations of Student Nurses in Teaching Surgical Handwashing Skill . GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 5(8), 97–104.


