The Effect of Adaptation to Chronic Disease on Self-Efficacy of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Patients

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  • Adile NEŞE individual
  • Nazan BAYRAM



Accordance, Chronic Disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Self-Efficacy


Aim:  This research was carried out to evaluate the effect of chronic obstructive pulmonary patients' adjustment to chronic disease on self-efficacy.

Material and Method:  The population of the cross-sectional study consisted of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary patients who applied to the chest polyclinic between January 15, 2020 and March 15, 2020. No sampling method was chosen and 103 patients who applied to the outpatient clinic were reached. The data of the research; The patient information form, which includes the socio-demographic characteristics of the patients, was obtained by using the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Self-Efficacy Scale and the Chronic Disease Adjustment Scale. In the analysis of data; normal distribution test, frequency, t test, ANOVA test and correlation analysis were used.

Results: The mean age of the patients participating in the study was 63.35±7.02 years and the mean duration of smoking was 40.64±9.43 years. It was determined that 93.2% of chronic obstructive pulmonary patients were male, 75.8% had primary school education, 48.5% lived with their spouse/children, and 60.2% had a low economic level. It was determined that 92.2% of the patients had a smoking history, 53.4% had an additional chronic disease, and 38.8% were using oxygen at home. The mean score of Self-Efficacy of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Patients was 2.66±0.61 and the mean score of adjustment to chronic disease was 76.24±10.41.

Conclusion: In this study, it was determined that the adaptation to chronic disease and self-efficacy scores of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary patients were moderate and there was a positive correlation between adaptation to chronic disease and self-efficacy.


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How to Cite

NEŞE, A., & BAYRAM, N. (2024). The Effect of Adaptation to Chronic Disease on Self-Efficacy of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Patients. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(1), 35–44.


