Health Effects of Air Pollution- The Case of German (1990-2019)

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  • Taner ABİŞ Altınbaş Üniversitesi



Burden of Disease, Carbon Emissions, Health Expenditures


Objective:  In recent years, air pollution, which threatens individual and public health, has become an important problem with industry and unplanned urbanization. This research aims to reveal the health effects of air pollution.

Methods:  Time series analysis was used in the study. Accordingly, the stationarity of the series was tested with single and double-break unit root tests. Short- and long-term cointegration relationship has been revealed by the ARDL estimation method. The future effects of the shocks were calculated with the Error Correction Method. Information was given about the direction of the relationship with the Granger causality test.

Results:  The effects of carbon emission on disability-adjusted life years, the crude death rate, respiratory system-related deaths, and per capita health expenditures variables between 1990 and 2019 in Germany were examined. Accordingly, a bidirectional relationship was found between carbon emission and the burden of disease, carbon emission and crude death rate, carbon emission and deaths due to respiratory diseases, and a unidirectional relationship between carbon emissions and per capita health expenditures.

Conclusion: Carbon emission, which is an environmental pollutant, has significant effects on health indicators. It has been concluded that air pollution is an important cause of health expenditures, years spent with diseases, death and crude death rates due to respiratory diseases. Therefore, countries must adopt sustainable environmental policies and meet their needs from renewable energy sources.


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How to Cite

ABİŞ, T. (2023). Health Effects of Air Pollution- The Case of German (1990-2019) . GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(Özel Sayı), 819–825.


