Determining the Views of Nursing Students on the Clinical Learning Environment in a Nursing Home

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Clinical Learning, Nursing Home, Nursing Students, Learning Environment


Objective: The research was designed to determine the views of nursing students regarding the clinical learning environment in nursing home clinical practice.

Method: The descriptive research was conducted between January 2022 and May 2022 with 106 students who performed their clinical practice in a nursing home in Istanbul province. The research data were collected using the "Sociodemographic Characteristics Information Form" and the "Clinical Learning Environment Scale."

Results: It was determined that the average age of the students was 21,7, 66 % (n=70) were female, and 67,9% (n=72) were studying in the 4th grade. 52,8% (n=56) of the students stated that they wanted to work in a nursing home after graduation, and 77.4% (n=82) stated that the nursing home clinical practice changed the perspective of the elderly in the society. It was determined that the average score of "Staff-Student Relations", which is the sub-dimension of the Clinical Learning Environment Scale, is 21.72±5.19, the mean score of "Responsibilities of the Faculty Member" is 12,45±2,49, the mean score of "Patient Relations" is 12,97±2.77, and the mean score of "Student Satisfaction" is 13,26±3,52, the mean score of “Hierarchy and Routines” is 11,84±2,76, and the mean score of “Clinical Learning Environment Total” is 72,26±11,71.

Conclusion: The opinions of nursing students in nursing home clinical practice about the clinical learning environment are at a positive level. In order to determine the factors affecting the nursing home clinical learning environments of the students, it is recommended to conduct similar studies with larger sample groups and to include more nursing home clinical practices in nursing education curricula.


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How to Cite

YILDIRIM ÜŞENMEZ , S., & KAYA , H. (2023). Determining the Views of Nursing Students on the Clinical Learning Environment in a Nursing Home. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(3), 517–523.


