Examination of the Cultural Awareness of Midwifery Students'

Midwifery Education, Midwifery Student, Cultural AwarenessAbstract
Objective: This research was designed to determine the students' views and cultural awareness about the intercultural midwifery course included in the midwifery curriculum.
Methods: The universe of the research was created by students of the Midwifery department of a state university located in the west of Turkey. The research sample consisted of 361 midwifery students. The questionnaire form and the Cultural Awareness Scale (CAS) created by the researchers were used to determine the cultural awareness of the students of the department of midwifery and their thoughts towards intercultural midwifery. The research data were analyzed using SPSS 24.0 program and number, percentage, t and ANOVA test.
Results: The average age of the students is 20.45±2.65. 30.7% of the students are first graders, 21.9% are second graders, 23.0% are third graders and 24.4% are fourth graders. 10.2% of the students included in the research have been abroad, 61.2% have friends from a different culture, and 41.8% have difficulty communicating with someone from a different culture. 95.8% of the students think that midwifery care specific to cultural differences should be provided, and 40.4% stated that they attended the course on intercultural midwifery. The average of the students' CAS general educational experiences sub-dimension score is 22.75±5.82; the average score of the cognitive awareness sub-dimension was determined as 58.55±9.69, the average score of the comfort sub-dimension in behaviors/interactions was determined as 34.84±6.65, and the average score of the patient care/clinical and research subjects sub-dimension was determined as 64.47±12.75. It was determined that there was a statistically significant difference in behaviors/interactions according to the difficulty communicating with someone with a different culture variable in terms of the average score of the comfort sub-dimension (p<0.05).
Conclusion: As a result, it is important to determine the cultural awareness levels of students during midwifery education. In this research, it was determined that the cultural awareness of the students is high. More comprehensive research is needed to evaluate the factors affecting students' cultural awareness levels.
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