Abandonment of Routine Episiotomy in Vaginal Deliveries

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  • Cengiz ŞANLI Elazığ Fethi Sekin Şehir Hastanesi




Episiotomy, Perineal Laceration, Vaginal Birth


Objective: Episiotomy is more; It is performed to prevent fetal hypoxia, to terminate the active phase of labor, to prevent perineal injuries, and to prevent anal sphincter damage. Although the purpose of influencing the birth has been started to be implemented, today, instead of routine episiotomy, the episiotomy group is in indication, causing less severe perineal trauma, sutures and killing cells in users. We aimed to evaluate the postpartum outcomes in which we stopped the episiotomy based on the indication we performed in this clinic.

Matarial and Methods: The study was planned retrospectively and 837 patients who underwent episiotomy in the obstetrics and gynecology clinic between 01.01.2022 and 01.01.2023 were included in the study. The characteristics of the patients such as age, parity, postnatal complications, previous birth histories, infant birth weights, infant apgar scores, and hemoglobin values were examined and recorded. Necessary permissions for the study were obtained from the XXX University Local Ethics Committee.

Results: Between 01.01.2022 and 01.01.2023, 2389 vaginal deliveries were performed in the clinic. The incidence of episiotomy was 35.2% (837 cases). Of the patients who underwent episiotomy, 68.9% (577 cases) were primiparous, 23.8% (200 cases) were multiparous, and 7.1% (60 cases) were grand multiparous. The incidence of 1st and 2nd degree perineal and paraurethral lacerations in the episiotomy group was significantly lower than in the group without episiotomy. Severe cervical laceration did not develop in any of the cases with 3rd and 4th degree perineal laceration.

Conclusion: Episiotomy has been shown as an application that does not need to be routinely applied in the national and international literature. In this direction, we have abandoned the routine episiotomy practice in our clinic. We think that our study will contribute to the literature because it is more crowded than the previous study clusters and our episiotomy rates have reached international standards.


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How to Cite

ŞANLI, C. (2023). Abandonment of Routine Episiotomy in Vaginal Deliveries. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(2), 407–411. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7921800


