Evaluation of the Relationship between Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in 14- 16 Years Old Adolescents and Their Intestinal Health

Adolescent, Intestinal Health, Mediterranean Diet ComplianceAbstract
Aims: This research, it was aimed to evaluate relationship between adaptation of Mediterranean Diet in adolescents and its intestinal health.
Methods: The study was included 200 students who were aged between 14-16 and studied in Antakya High School in the academic years of 2019-2020. In this study, the nutritional habits of individuals, are evaluated by 24-hour dietary record form and food frequency questionnare; intestinal health was questioned by Bristol Stool Scale questionnaires and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet was evaluated by the KIDMED index scale. The questionnaires were administered by face-to-face interview method.
Results: In this study was evaluated ; 66,3% of girls had an optimal quality; 31,5% of girls had a mild quality, 2,2% of girls had a low quality; 68,5% of men had an optimal quality, 26,9% of men had a mild quality, 4,6% of men had a low quality of Mediterranean Diet. Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) score results of adolescents weren’t found to be significantly different by gender of adolescents (p>0.05). According to Bristol Score of adolescents 1,1 % of girls had slow colonic transit time, 95,7% of girls had normal colonic transit time, 3,3% of girls had rapid colonic transit time; 9,3% of men had slow colonic transit time, 86,1% of men had normal colonic transit time, 4,6% of men had rapid colonic transit time. Bristol Scores of adolescents were found statistically different according to their gender (p=0.029; p<0.05).
Conclusion: As a result of this study, it was observed that high adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in adolescents had a positive effect on intestinal health.
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