Nonfunctional Beliefs and Practices of Mothers for Baby Diagnosed Hyperbilirubinamia and Factors Affecting The Bilirubin Level: Cross-Sectional Study
Hyperbilirubinemia and Traditional Practices

Hyperbilirubinemia, Newborn, Traditional, FaithAbstract
Objective: This study aims to determine mothers’ dysfunctional beliefs and practices regarding their newborn babies hospitalized in neonatal intensive care unit with diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia, and factors affecting newborn’s bilirubin level.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out between 8 February and 31 August 2022. 175 mothers were included, Dysfunctional Beliefs and Practices for the Infant Scale (NBIAS) was used in the study.
Results: Mean NBIAS score of mothers was moderate (49.6±13.5). Mean NBIAS score of mothers differed significantly according to descriptive characteristics of mother and baby. Multiple regression analysis showed that applying phototherapy to infant negatively predicted mean NBIAS score of mothers, while the number of daily breastfeeding and giving birth at home predicted this mean positively. It was determined that newborn's bilirubin level was negatively predicted by baby's 5th minute APGAR score and mother's status of not receiving information/education about newborn care, and positively predicted by birth weight, number of days on phototherapy, first breastfeeding time after birth, and first postpartum measurement of bilirubin level. Most common traditional practices of mothers were tying a yellow cloth as swaddling or covering the baby with a yellow cloth (85.1%).
Conclusion: Breastfeeding is perceived as a traditional practice by mothers. Health workers should provide education and counseling to mothers about jaundice. Cultural practices of mothers to prevent jaundice in newborn should prevent harmful ones.
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