Exposure to Violence, Psychological Resilience and Burnout in Filiation Workers in the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Coronavirus, healthcare workers, violence, Burnout


Objectives: The aim of the study is to evaluate the filiation workers, who play a very important role in the epidemic, in terms of exposure to violence, burnout and psychological resilience.
Material And Methods: In the cross-sectional study, 131 filiation workers who were active during the epidemic in Kahramanmaraş province were interviewed with face-to-face between 2021-2022. Sociodemographic information, violence exposure status were asked, and Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and psychological resilience scale for adults (RSA) were administered to the participants.
Results: The average age of the participants in our study is 34.23±7.66. In addition, 79.4% are women, 73.3% are married and 57.3% have children. 19.8% of the fillation workers are physicians, 22.1% are dentists, 58.1% are other health personnel. In our study, 72.5% of the healthcare workers were exposured to verbal violence, 68.7% to psychological violence, 3.1% to physical violence, and 0.8% to sexual violence during their filiation work. Health workers aged 30 and under were statistically significantly more exposed to verbal and psychological violence. In addition, statistically significant differences were found in experiencing psychological violence according to the job title (p<0.05). In our study, a positive significant relationship was found between the personal accomplishment score, which is a subgroup of the burnout scale, and the psychological resilience scale (RSA) score for adults. Depersonalization score has a significant negative relationship with RSA.
Conclusion: Filiation workers, who are the most important people in the field in epidemic control, are vulnerable. In order to prevent the spread of the disease and to make effective filiation, the working order of healthcare workers should be arranged in a way that does not cause burnout. Also, the filiation workers must be accompanied by the security forces


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How to Cite

BEYOĞLU, M., ERDOĞAN, A., & KAYA, E. (2022). Exposure to Violence, Psychological Resilience and Burnout in Filiation Workers in the COVID-19 Pandemic . GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 7(21), 160–167. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7392821




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