The Relationship Between Sociodemogaphic Characteristics of Patients Appliying to an Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic and Sources of Information about the COVİD-19 Pandemic

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  • Dinçer ATİLA Family Practice Center Number 1, Family Physician, ,İzmir
  • Vatan BARIŞIK Karşıyaka Private Metropol Health Center,Internal Medicine,İzmir



Covid-19, pandemic, social media


Background: This study aimed to investigate the sources of information about the Covid-19 pandemic of people who applied to an internal medicine outpatient clinic.

Methods: A sociodemographic data form and a questionnaire revealing the sources of information about the Covid-19 epidemic were applied to patients after verbal and written consents, using a face-to-face interview technique. The Pearson’s Chi-Square test was used for data analysis.

Results: Of the participants, 121 (48.2%) were men, and 130 (51.8%) were women. The mean age was 47.40 ± 18.06 (youngest 18, oldest 89) years. Most of the participants were married (73.3%) and secondary education (47.6%) graduates. A history of chronic diseases was detected in 63 (25.1%) people. Most of the participants stated that they had obtained information from the press (42.2%).

Conclusıon: The most common source of information about the Covid-19 pandemic was determined as media organizations (42.3%). The selection of information sources is important in informing the public about the pandemic.


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How to Cite

ATİLA, D., & BARIŞIK, V. (2023). The Relationship Between Sociodemogaphic Characteristics of Patients Appliying to an Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic and Sources of Information about the COVİD-19 Pandemic. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(1), 8–13.


