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Immunohistochemistry, liver, Ki-67, rat, thymoquinone


The aim of this study, was evaluation of the possible effects of orally administered thymoquinone on hepatocyte proliferation in rat livers as in vivo. For this purpose, immunohistochemical localization of Ki67 which is nuclear protein associated with cellular proliferation, has been demonstrated. In this study, 14 adult Sprague Dawley rats were used. The rats were randomly divided into two groups (n=7 each) as control and experimental (10 mg/kg thymoquinone gavage). Thymoquinone administration was done regularly during 42 days. The rats in all groups were sacrificed after stated time and their livers tissues were excised immediately. The livers fixed in %10 buffered formaldehyde solution for histological examination. Following this, they were blocked in paraffin after undergoing routine tissue tracking procedures. Paraffin sections 5µ thick were prepared and stained with Crossman’s trichrome for examination of histological stracture of livers. Ki67 immunreactivity localization was determined in livers by using Streptavidin-Biotin-Peroxidase method. When the liver preparations belonging to both groups were examined in detail, it was determined that the hepatocytes, vessels and duct system had a normal histological structure. While normal lobule structure was observed in the liver, no difference was detected between the groups. When immunohistochemical staining was evaluated, different intensity of immune positive reactions were observed in hepatocytes and vessel walls in each both groups. Peripheral rections were observed yo decrease while the reaction was observed intensively in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes located around the v.centralis in control group. In our study, we were shown the localization and expression of Ki67 as in vivo in liver tissues. We were analyzed the thymoquinone-Ki67 interaction. Ki67 expression was observed in all groups, however its substantially reduce in the experimental group suggests that low-dose thymoquinone administration did not inactivate Ki67 and stopped proliferation in cells. It was found that the severity of the immune reaction was significantly reduced in the experimental group.


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