Validity And Reliability Of The COVID-19 Vaccine Perception And Attitude Scale

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  • Hüseyin Eriş Harran Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu



covid-19, vaccine perception, vaccine safety, conspiracy theories


A virus detected in Wuhan, China on December 29, 2019, was named covid-19 and declared a pandemic by the world health organization on March 11, 2020, due to the destruction caused by this virus.Due to the lack of any treatment method for the new virus, many countries and pharmaceutical companies have started to develop vaccines against this virus. Although rapidly developed vaccines have been put into practice worldwide, some individuals objected to being vaccinated for reasons such as vaccine hesitancy or anti-vaccination. Some of the individuals in Turkey are also indecisive about vaccines and therefore do not want to be vaccinated. The purpose of this research is to develop a scale with proven validity and reliability to measure the perceptions and attitudes of individuals aged 18 and over living in Turkey towards Covid-19 vaccines. For this purpose, the covid-19 vaccine perception and attitude scale, which consists of 21 expressions and 2 sub-dimensions, was transferred to the electronic environment and applied to 291 people in Turkey between 15.09.2021 and 16.09.2021. The reliability values of both sub-dimensions of the scale used in the research were high. According to the Bartlett test performed, it is appropriate and necessary to perform factor analysis on the items in the scale, the sample size is sufficient in terms of representing the universe in the research for factor analysis of the KMO coefficient, and the high factor loads of the items in the scale show that it is important for the scale to which the items belong. As a result, it has been determined that this developed scale is a valid measurement tool to determine the covid-19 vaccine perceptions and attitudes of people aged 18 and over, according to the results of the analysis, and its reliability is also high.



How to Cite

Eriş, H. (2022). Validity And Reliability Of The COVID-19 Vaccine Perception And Attitude Scale. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 7(16), 128–136.


