Reconstruction of Alveolar Bone Defect with Dentin Graft

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  • Muhammed Furkan YILMAZ Ordu Üniversitesi
  • Damla TORUL Ordu Üniversitesi
  • Mehmet Melih ÖMEZLI Ordu Üniversitesi



Alveolar defect, Bone regeneration, Dentin graft


Introduction: Autogenous dentin grafts are grafts obtained by various processes of teeth extracted from the same patient. They can be used as demineralized or mineralized. They have similar physical and chemical properties to bone. They are especially preferred in cases where teeth are extracted for periodontal reasons and are partially or completely impacted. They can be used in extraction sockets, sinus augmentation, and reconstruction of bone defects. The purpose of this report is to present a case reconstructed with autogenous mineralized dentin graft (MDG) and dental implants.

Case: A 47-year-old female patient applied to our clinic due to mobility and pain in her teeth. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed periodontal damage in the patient's teeth. The patient's teeth in the left mandibular region were planned to be extracted and implants were placed in the same session. After the teeth were extracted, implants were placed in the defective area and MDG obtained from the extracted teeth was applied. No resorption was observed around the implants in the control X-ray taken in the 4th month postoperatively.

Conclusion: Dentin grafts are thought to be a good alternative to bone grafts due to their advantages, such as the low cost, low immunogenic potential, and elimination of donor site morbidity.

Author Biographies

Muhammed Furkan YILMAZ, Ordu Üniversitesi



Damla TORUL , Ordu Üniversitesi



Mehmet Melih ÖMEZLI , Ordu Üniversitesi




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How to Cite

YILMAZ, M. F., TORUL , D., & ÖMEZLI , M. M. (2025). Reconstruction of Alveolar Bone Defect with Dentin Graft. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 10(1), 141–145.


