A Study on Midwifery Students’ Perceptions of Their Roles in Facilitating Transformative Learning during Pregnancy and the Development of a Scale

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  • Tanju DEVECİ Antalya Bilim University




Mezirow, Midwifery students, Pregnancy, Perspective transformation, Transformative


Objective: This paper aims to identify midwifery students’ perceptions of the role of facilitators in transformative learning that is likely to take place during pregnancy and to develop a scale.

Method: This is a descriptive study. Two-hundred and eighteen midwifery students at a state university participated in the study. Data were collected using a survey which included a scale developed by the researchersfşu şe. Factor Analysis conducted revealed a total of 32 items categorized into five sub-scales. The Cronbach Alpha value for the scale as a whole was calculated to be 0.95, while the values for the sub-scales varied between 0.76 and 0.89.

Findings: The participants’ average score was found to be 111 and the attained scores were relatively lower in the sub-scales of support for critical thinking, access to learning resources, and evaluation of learning processes and contents. Their scores for the other two sub-scale, however, corresponded to the percentiles calculated for the original scale. Also, a positive correlation was found between the students’ scores from the scale and the years into their university education.

Conclusion: Important to note is that midwifery students had relatively high scores for assuming a facilitator role, and their scores increased as they progressed in their university studies. However, it appears that their inclinations are not at the conscious level. For them to facilitate and support transformative learning during pregnancy, it is essential that the transformative learning theory be incorporated into the curriculum at midwifery education institutions.

Author Biographies

Tanju DEVECİ , Antalya Bilim University







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How to Cite

DEVECİ , T., & ASLANTEKİN ÖZÇOBAN , F. (2025). A Study on Midwifery Students’ Perceptions of Their Roles in Facilitating Transformative Learning during Pregnancy and the Development of a Scale . GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 10(1), 93–103. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14994973


