Blood Transfusion Knowledge Levels of Emergency Department Workers and The Effect of Training
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Emergency Service, Blood Transfusion, Knowledge Level, EducationAbstract
Objective: This research was conducted to evaluate the knowledge level of emergency service personnel about blood transfusion and to determine the effect of the training given on this subject on their knowledge level.
Method: It was conducted as a planned quasi-experimental study to investigate the blood transfusion knowledge levels of non-physician health professionals working in the adult emergency department and the effect of the training provided on this situation. It was conducted with a total of 87 volunteers. Two surveys were used to collect data: "Individual Identity Form" and "Blood Transfusion Practices Survey”. The surveys used to collect data were collected online before and after the training.
Results: The average age of the participants was 27.87±3.87, 76.7% were women, 79.1% were university graduates, and 55.8% had professional experience between 1-3 years. The rate of blood transfusion practice in the emergency department was 76.7%, and 90.7% had blood transfusion training. The pretest knowledge average of the emergency service personnel was 53.31±17.73, and the posttest knowledge average was 84.59±12.35, and this difference was found to be statistically significant (p< 0.05).
Conclusion: It was determined that the knowledge of emergency medical personnel on blood and blood product transfusion increased after their training. This result shows the effectiveness of the planned blood transfusion training.
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