The Relationship between Premenstrual Syndrome and Psychological Strength and Emotion Regulatory Disorder

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  • Zeliha ÖZŞAHİN
  • Fatoş YEŞİLKUŞ
  • Zeynep KAYA
  • Rümeysa GÜDEN
  • Kübra FİLİZ
  • Havva ATİLLA
  • Esma OSMAN



Emotion Dysregulation, Premenstrual Syndrome, Psychological Resilience


Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between premenstrual syndrome, psychological resilience and emotion dysregulation.

Materials and Method: The field of education at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing, affiliated with a public university, created the universe of female modeling. When power analysis was performed, the sample was calculated as at least 671 female students with an error level of 0.05, 80% representation power and 99.9% confidence rate, and the research was completed with 712 participants. "Personal introduction form, "Premenstrual Syndrome Scale (PMSS)", "Brief Psychological Resilience Scale (BPRS)" and "Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS)" were used to obtain the data. Percentage distribution, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, cronbach alpha, pearson correlation analysis were used in statistical evaluation. 

Results: The mean age of the participants was 21.69±3.97 years, the mean menstrual cycle (days) was 28.64±6.45, the mean number of days with menstrual bleeding was 5.99±1.37, and 74.16% experienced PMSS. The mean total scores of the participants were 17.96±4.46 for PSS, 43.04±17.10 for DERS and 136.38±40.34 for PMS.  In addition, negative, weak, moderate and highly significant correlations were detected with PMSS and all its subscales and KPSS, and positive correlations with the mean scores of DDGS and its subscales (p<0.01).

Conclusion: It was determined that psychological resilience decreased and emotion regulation difficulty increased as level of premenstrual syndrome increased.

Author Biographies













Zeynep KAYA



Rümeysa GÜDEN













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How to Cite

ÖZŞAHİN, Z., GÜVEN SANTUR, S., YILDIRIM, E., YEŞİLKUŞ, F., KAYA, Z., GÜDEN, R., FİLİZ, K., ATİLLA, H., & OSMAN, E. (2024). The Relationship between Premenstrual Syndrome and Psychological Strength and Emotion Regulatory Disorder. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(3), 363–372.


