Clinical Picture of The Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema and Parkinson Disease in A Male Patient: A Case Report
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Breast Cancer, Lymphedema, Parkinson’s DiseaseAbstract
Objective: Breast cancer (BC) is the most common type of cancer seen in women globally. However, BC can also be seen in males. On the other hand, the possible link between cancer and Parkinson's Disease (PD) has been debated regarding the significant association between specific types of cancer and PD yet reports still need to be updated. Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) is one of the most common and fearsome chronic complications after BC treatment. Not only in the perspective of BCRL but also in PD, exercise and ongoing conservative physiotherapy are prerequisites for improving clinical outcomes. Therefore, we aimed to present a compact clinical picture of a male patient with BCRL and PD.
Case Description: The 67-year-old male patient was referred due to having BCRL in his left upper extremity in August 2018. He was diagnosed with BC and a modified radical mastectomy was performed in March 2015. BCRL has been evident after 21 sessions of chemotherapy and 16 sessions of radiotherapy in June 2016.
Conclusion: Results showed that kinesiophobia and affected functionality of upper extremities along with affected balance ability were evident. Due to exercise acting as a milestone in lymphedema treatment, potential barriers should be carefully evaluated to manage symptoms not only for BCRL but also for PD
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