Investigation of the Relationship between Body Awareness and Physical Activity Level and Music Performance Anxiety in Musicians Playing Different Instruments

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Anksiyete, Farkındalık, Fiziksel Aktivite, Müzisyenler


Objective: The study aimed to examine the relationship between physical activity level, body awareness, and music performance anxiety in musicians playing different instruments.

Materials and Methods: Eighty musicians included in the study. Individuals had been evaluated pain intensity with the "Numeric Pain Scale"; physical activity levels with the "International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form"; musculoskeletal system complaints with the "Scandinavian Musculoskeletal System Questionnaire"; body awareness using the "Body Awareness Questionnaire"; and music performance anxiety using the "Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory."

Results: According to instrument type, pain intensities (p=0,675), playing attitudes despite the pain  (p=0,846), physical activity level (p=0,898), body awareness (p=0,686), and music performance anxiety levels (p=0,395) had been compared. The results are similar according to the instrument type (p> 0.05). While those who play string instruments have the highest body awareness, percussion instruments have the lowest body awareness. Body awareness measurement" and "age" had been examined, a statistically significant positive and weak association has been found (r= 0,254; p=0,023). When the relationship between "No pain no gain" and "age" had been examined, a statistically significant negative and weak association have been found (r=-0,267; p=0,017). When the relationship between "music performance anxiety" and "age" had been examined, a statistically significant negative moderate correlation have been found (r=-0,433; p=0,00). When the relationship between "physical activity level" and "body awareness" had been examined, a statistically significant positive and low-level correlation have been found (r=0,263; p=0,018). There have been found no significant relationship between "music performance anxiety" and "body awareness" (r=-0,193; p=0,085). 

Conclusion: As a result of study a positive significant relationship was found between body awareness and physical activity level in individuals playing different instruments, but the relationship between body awareness and music performance anxiety was not significant.

Author Biographies




Aycan ÇAKMAK REYHAN, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi




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How to Cite

GÖRGÜLÜ GÖKSU, Özlem, & ÇAKMAK REYHAN, A. (2024). Investigation of the Relationship between Body Awareness and Physical Activity Level and Music Performance Anxiety in Musicians Playing Different Instruments. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 9(1), 153–162.


