Anxiety and Diving Sports
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Anxiety, Diving, Recreation, SportAbstract
Anxiety, which has been accepted since the existence of human beings, has a general purpose. In the past, this purpose was an instinct to protect people against environmental dangers. But now, anxiety is experienced as a necessity of being alive, struggling with life, discovering new things, doing more positive things in a competitive environment and being accepted. As can be understood, anxiety is a reaction of the individual to various destructive and disruptive situations towards his existence. In addition to this positive feature of anxiety, it also has harmful aspects, reaching pathological levels. Another area where anxiety is actively felt is sports. Anxiety in sports has been the subject of many studies and studies have been conducted on the effect of anxiety on the athlete and his performance. When sports types were divided into individual and team, studies were examined on more groups. Many studies have shown that not only does the sport or activity increase anxiety, but when it is done amateurishly and without a focus on results, anxiety decreases. It has been discussed by many sports scientists and healthcare professionals that doing sports on a professional level can be a supporter for not only increasing anxiety but also increasing self-confidence and, as a result, success. Scientists continue to conduct research on the personal and environmental factors that lead to this state of anxiety that affects athletes.
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