Rate of Consanguineous Marriage, Causes, Effects on Women's and Children's Health

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  • Selver GÜLER SANKO Üniversitesi
  • Melike YAVAŞ ÇELİK




Consanguineous marriage, Reasons of consanguineous marriage, Women and children health


Objective: With this study, it was aimed to investigate the rate of consanguineous marriage, causes and effects on women’s and children's health.

Methods: 508 women were reached through social media on the digital platform that met the inclusion criteria of the research. The analyzes of the research were made using the SPSS 24 program and the statistical significance level was evaluated as p<0.05.

Results: It was found that of women, 21.9% consanguineous marriage, 14% cousin marriage, It was found that the rate of infant death, stillbirth, miscarriage, number of pregnancy and having a health problem in their child was higher in women who had consanguineous marriages. It was determined that the participants' children had nearly 35 different permanent/chronic diseases. Additionally, 64% of women stated that they did not decide on consanguineous marriage. 3% of consanguineous women stated that they had a stillbirth and 2.4% of their children died between 0-12 months.

Conclussion: It can be said that almost one out of five women is consanguineous, half of the women who have consanguineous marriages are decided by their families, and they have negative effects on their health in consanguineous women and their children


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How to Cite

GÜLER, S., & YAVAŞ ÇELİK, M. (2023). Rate of Consanguineous Marriage, Causes, Effects on Women’s and Children’s Health. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(Özel Sayı), 846–855. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8404411




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