Examining The Patient Safety Competencies of Nursing Students: A Multi-Regional Study.

Nursing students, Patient safety, Patient Safety CompetenciesAbstract
Objective: This study aimed to examine the patient safety competencies of nursing students studying at different state universities in Türkiye.
Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in three public universities located in different geographical regions of Türkiye. The study sample consisted of 391 nursing students in year-3 and year-4. The study data were collected with the 'Socio-Demographic Characteristics Form' and the 'Patient Safety Competency Self-Evaluation Tool'. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis analyses were used in the research data analysis.
Results: Nursing students' patient safety competency levels were determined to be above moderate levels. The mean attitude score of nursing students was found to be higher than the mean knowledge and skill scores. Students who were in year-4, those who were studying at universities B and C, those who were taking patient safety courses, and those who were taking a course on patient safety as a separate course were found to have higher scores.
Conclusion: It is recommended that patient safety training should be organized in a way to develop competencies and that teaching methods that would improve students' knowledge, attitudes, and skills should be integrated into the curricula and the results should be evaluated.
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