Determination of Fear and Anxiety Levels of Children and Their Mothers in The Face-To-Face Education During The Covid-19 Pandemic Process

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COVID-19, Fear, Anxiety, Child, parent, Face-to-face educaiton


Objective: The research was conducted to determine the fear and anxiety levels of children and their mothers in the face-to-face education during the COVID-19 pandemic process.

Methods: Made as the descriptive and correlational study, was carried out between 20 October 2021- 15 January 2022 in the pediatric outpatient clinic of a Training and Research Hospital in western Turkey. Children aged 8-12 years (n=222) and their mothers (n=222) the pediatric outpatient clinic of the hospital between the specified dates. The Descriptive Information Form, , State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children  , Facial Expression Rating Scale  was used to. The COVID-19 Fear Scale  was used to determine the fear levels of mothers, The Coranavirus Anxiety Scale  was used to determine anxiety levels.

Results: 69.37% (n=154) of the children participating in the research and 78.38% (n=174) of the mothers prefer face-to-face education. The average anxiety score of the children was 37.72±6.03, and the average fear score was 1.95±1.28; while the average fear score of the mothers was 17.51±6.77, the average anxiety score is 2.65±3.56. In the analyzes performed there was a positive low level between the mothers' korku and the children's korku scores (r=0.25; p<0.05); It was determined that there was a positive and moderately statistically significant relationship between maternal korku and the average anxiety scores (r=0.36; p<0.05). In addition, a low level of positive correlation was found between maternal anxiety and anxiety and child fear average scores (r=0.18; p<0.05).

Conclusion: As a result, the fears of children who received face-to-face education during the COVID-19 pandemic process are quite low and their anxiety levels are below the average; it was found that the anxiety levels of the mothers were quite low and their fear levels were at an average level.


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How to Cite

YILDIZ, N., & YILMAZ KURT, F. (2023). Determination of Fear and Anxiety Levels of Children and Their Mothers in The Face-To-Face Education During The Covid-19 Pandemic Process. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(4), 1101–1112.


