Medication Compliance in Patients with Heart Failure: A Qualitative Study

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  • Filiz ÖZEL ÇAKIR Dr.Öğr.Üyesi
  • Gökşen POLAT



Compliance, Heart Failure, Nursing


Objective:  The aim of this study was to overcome and explain the drug experiences, barriers, facilitators, and fears of heart failure patients with the Roy Adaptation Model in order to understand the basis of drug non-compliance.

Methods:  The study was carried out in a phenomenological design. There are 14 semi-structured open-ended main questions. Coding qualitative data, creating themes, interpreting, and reporting were carried out by examining the texts. SPSS 25 was used for the analysis of socio-demographic characteristics and the program Nvivo 10 was used for the analysis of qualitative data.

Results:  Themes were created according to the Roy Adaptation Model, and patients’ views on drugs (positive and negative) were examined in terms of physiological domain, role function domain, self-concept domain, interdependence domain, and adjustment status (positive and negative).

Conclusion: There may be many physiological and psychological processes which affect the drug compliance of patients, but nursing interventions to increase compliance should be applied by investigating the factors affecting compliance. The Roy Adaptation Model can help increase drug compliance and improve the quality of life of heart failure patients.


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How to Cite

ÖZEL ÇAKIR, F., POLAT , G., & ŞENUZUN AYKAR , F. (2023). Medication Compliance in Patients with Heart Failure: A Qualitative Study. GEVHER NESIBE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 8(4), 890–898.


